123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001


Contact Person: Roel Divendal
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone Number: +31-6-40921129
Website: https://curewiki.health/researchers
Company LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/curewiki/


At Curewiki, we are dedicated to helping patients find the right clinical trial that matches their unique pathology or profile, available 24/7 all year round. Understanding that crucial treatments may emerge at any moment, we’re committed to ensuring patients do not miss out on potentially life-saving opportunities. Independent, we stand alongside medical researchers in a united fight against time. Join us in this critical mission today, and be part of a movement that brings groundbreaking treatments to those who need them most.

Curewiki’s streamlined patient recruitment: how does it work?
Companies seeking to streamline the process of recruiting patients/volunteers for clinical trials are invited by Curewiki to forward their trials NCT-numbers (or other Trial ID). This simple step grants them access to the Criteria Validation Page. After validation, Curewiki’s system diligently aligns registered patients with the specified disease to the verified trial criteria. Once a match is established, these potential participants can reach out directly to the respective investigation sites.
